Industrial Waste Heat Utilization
Technical Principle
By setting up the MSES system, during the low-energy-demand period, the waste heat MS heat exchange device can be used to store the heat of high-temperature industrial waste heat and exhaust heat in the high-temperature MS, achieving the effective storage of high-grade heat.
When entering the peak or ultra-peak energy-demand period, the heat stored in the MS is then released, thus achieving the purpose of shifting and releasing energy from the low-demand period to the peak-demand period.

It can meet the energy consumption demand of the industrial park during peak periods, significantly reduce the cost of electricity purchased from the grid during the high-price period, lowers the average energy consumption cost of users, and enhances the value of energy utilization.
It can achieve the rational allocation of energy at different times, enhance the value of energy utilization, and optimize the efficiency of energy utilization.